Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just For You, April

A sweet friend and fellow blogger has been very nicely hinting that I have not posted anything since August 22. So here update to things going on over the last month:

~~ 3Day update - Our team, Footprints of Faith is doing great. We had 2 very successful fund raisers and have raised $2900. Will be more as soon as I sell a few more items that someone donated on eBay. Our goal is $2200 each and most everyone is there or very close. I'm up to $1625 at last count. It's been such a great journey and I cannot wait to do this in October. I look forward to being able to say that this is one of my accomplishments!

~~ Scott and I have started a new workout program. Both of us are on a journey of trying to be more healthy and pro-active in what we are doing to our health in lieu of eating and exercising. We have just gotten to a point that it must go no further, we have to take charge of this now...or there will be consequences to pay. Right now, we are tracking everything we eat at We are also taking advantage of our community center here in Rowlett. In the mornings after dropping kids off at school, we go and workout for an hour. My goal is to do this 5 times a week and hopefully by the time the 3Day gets here, I'll be ready for it. And the other thing I'm hoping is that I'll have developed this new habit and will want to continue it with my husband as a life long commitment. Michele - keep asking about my progress! I'm not quite ready to put my goals out there yet like Scott has, but I'm seriously considering it. You really put yourself out there when you do. I will say I have lost 7 lbs. so far and have been at it for 2 weeks.

~~ Everyone in our household is attending school now. Of course Dylan, Marissa and Cassie are in public school. The girls are loving it and Dylan is already tired of it. Justin is taking a couple of classes at Eastfield and Scott is of course still going a couple of nights a week. But the latest news is that I started last Tuesday. I'm taking a continuing ed course, Interior Design I. I love it!! We are having to take a room in our home and create a floor plan of before and after. During the course of the 8 week class, our teacher and fellow students will help guide and direct us. Our teacher is a licensed interior designer with years of experience. I can't wait to tap into some of it. If you know me well, you know that this is a passion of mine (I know, you can't tell by looking at my house). But I love this so much and don't think I would ever get enough of it. My question could I turn this into a ministry? That was something that was put into my head several years ago when we first started attending Springcreek. Not sure what the answer is yet...have a few ideas, but if you have any pass them on.

~~ 40 is right around the corner for me. Well, not even around the corner, it's in my driveway! I've been thinking about this for a while and really wondered if it would effect me negatively. But I really am rejoicing in it! I am not bothered at all by my age. People still tell me all the time that I look much younger and I still fill much younger. And isn't 40 the new 30? That's what I hear anyway. I still want to do something a little crazy for my 40th. I thought about getting a very small nose piercing (Scott loves the idea) or I thought about having my 13 year old tattoo updated with some sort of cross. Or maybe even something as simple as a crazy new hairstyle. Who knows...I just want to do something silly. Any ideas, let me know. Anyone want to get their nose pierced with me???

Well, I could go on and on. But I'll stop there for today. Keep me current, April. I too am a blog stalker and I love seeing new post on friends sites. So I'll try and do the same.

Until next time...


April said...

I decided that if I pay too much attention to others' blogs without updating my own, then I really shouldn't be talking. I was so excited to see your update tonight! A lady at our church has a streak of purple in her hair. Maybe you should get your ears double pierced instead of your nose or your tatoo.

Angie Lessard said...

My ears have been triple pierced, so you'll have to come up with something else! :)

Maybe the purple with my blond would work....

April said...

Maybe you could get some weird pets and be "crazy bird lady" or something. Do you have to do weird things when you turn 40? I'm a little scared . . .