Thursday, September 20, 2007

Random Thoughts

**Workout #4 for this week was this morning. One more to go by Sunday and I'm on track.

**Trying to change my thought process from loosing weight to getting healthier. Dylan asked me today what my weight goal was and I told him that it wasn't about a number. It was about getting healthier. Now if I could live that and stop getting on the scales.

**Things are starting to get crazy again with kids - Marissa has volleyball practice tonight while Dylan has baseball practice while Cassie has girls scouts "meet the leader" night...all while Scott has school. Fun for me!

**Where do I eat tomorrow night for my b-day dinner? I really want to go somewhere different, but can't think of anything. That always happens.

**How involved in church is too involved? I'm trying to figure that out right now and ask God to show me what needs to give. So many things that I feel God wants me to be a part of, but I can't do it all. Also, I think I allow myself to get very involved because it's an excuse to not do the things that I don't want to do. I'm working on that.

**The computer is also a crutch for me in the above. I sit on the computer (just as I'm doing now) and waste time and avoid doing my housework. That's my next goal...only so much time on the computer a day or it's ok to get on the computer if _____________ is done.

Well, I'm off to do more laundry - April, want to come over and help me? :)

Until next time....


April said...

I'll be right there . . . with 9 kids. Will you feed us lunch too? Happy birthday soon. Is it tomorrow? You don't have to go somewhere different. It's your birthday. You could go to your favorite place.

Jazen said...

Set a timer for computer time. I do that on several things. It really helps and I feel much better. I know you don't like the phone, but I will sometimes call someone for a 15 minute chat and unload the dishwasher or put other things away.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow for your big day. Love ya!

Unknown said...

9 kids - it might just be cheaper to bring the laundry to the laundromat than to feed everybody lunch!!!

Sheldon said...

I feel for your dilemma over church involvement. I had to pick an area that I felt was most important and focus on that, evangelism for me. Unfortunately I find that if I'm not careful I can easily be much more overcommitted than when I was helping out with youth on Wednesday night. I too want to help out with allot of different needs in the church but I'm learning how to "challenge" people to help with things I can't. It seems that most people don't respond to a general invitation to serve in some capacity but if you directly ask them to help out in a specific way...better results.