Friday, August 22, 2008

What Do Pink Toilet Paper, Sapphires, a Wallet & Bubblemint Gum Have in Common?

Trying to figure that one out, are you? It happens to be some memorable gifts that each of the kids have given me.

The pink toilet paper was from Justin when he was very young. My mom took him Christmas shopping to let him pick out some gifts for me and all he wanted to get me was pink toilet paper. He remembered some weeks before that him and I had been shopping together and the store was out of this particular color of toilet paper, which is what I bought for my pink and black bathroom. I've never forgotten that gift! Unfortunately, we used the paper but I have memories of my little man being extremely thoughtful.

The sapphires were a pair of earrings that Dylan picked out when he was little as well. He knew my birthstone and that his mom liked jewelry. I believe my mom was with him on this shopping trip and it was for my birthday. I'll never forget how proud he was when I opened up the box and saw the beautiful gold and sapphire earrings. I still have them...haven't worn them lately. Maybe I should do that and see if he remembers them.

The wallet is something that Marissa got me for Mother's Day. It was actually a week or so before. My mom and her had gone shopping and she told my mom that I really needed a new wallet, that I had mine for so long because it was the only one she could remember me having in my purse. So my mom let her get it and she gave it to me that afternoon. It was very thoughtful of her and she just couldn't wait until Mother's Day. I still use that one and probably will until she gets me another one.

And last but not least is the bubblemint gum and what sparked this whole blog. Cassie and Scott have been in NY for the last 6 days and she is getting a little homesick and ready to see me. So we have been talking on the phone quite a bit and a few hours ago she told me she bought me a gift. Her and her AMA (Scott's aunt) were out shopping and she spotted my favorite gum, you guessed it...Orbit bubblemint and asked if she could get it for me. So I have a present coming from NY husband and my Cas-a-fras. Oh yeah, the gum too!


orbit bubblemint said...

Aw, that's so sweet! Who'd have thought gum could be such a nice expression of love?