Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This could be really addictive

I called my 18 year old son yesterday and told him that I signed up on He told me I should sign up for myspace instead. That it was much cooler. So I checked it out today while trying to get some work done and it's pretty cool if your a teen or if your single, but I signed up anyway. Reason being, that I found my 18 year old's myspace and couldn't send him anything w/out signing up and also found my nephews in NY and wanted to shock him and send him something as well. So I went from being totally out of touch to being pretty cool in a couple of days, if blogging and being on myspace makes you cool! I think it is going to take much more in my case, though. All that is left to do is add some pics of me and my wonderful family to both sites and I'm good to go......go where, I'm not really sure.

It is interesting to read other peoples thoughts....sometimes they are so random and sometimes they are really deep. Sometimes you just flat don't understand anything. But I love that I can go and listen to my son's music at any time.....he has them on his myspace and they are really good and I'm not just being mom. I love music and I love his music!

Until next time.....